Stanhopea oculata x anfracta

Stanhopea oculata x anfracta

Another hybrid between Stanhopea oculata x Stanhopea anfracta. At the time of posting I can’t see a registered name.

An lovely hybrid that flowers well for me from late December to early February.

The Stanhopea Guy

Stanhopea Moorlands Wonder

Stanhopea Lile

A primary hybrid between Stanhopea martiana x Stanhopea embreei

Most hybrids with martiana end up being great. This guy is growing well in the bush house. Can’t wait to grow it into a specimen sized plant.

This has flowered in early December or early January depending on the year.

The Stanhopea Guy

Stanhopea Lile

Stanhopea Lile

A primary hybrid between Stanhopea wardii x Stanhopea connata

A lovely hybrid. Often mistakenly sold as a connata species.

This plant flowers for me around early February

The Stanhopea Guy

Stanhopea Peninsula Cat

Stanhopea Peninsula Cat

A primary hybrid between Stanhopea florida x Stanhopea hernandezii

An awesome hybrid created by another NSW Stanhopea grower.

This plant flowers for me in late January

The Stanhopea Guy

Stanhopea Peninsula Jaz

Stanhopea Peninsula Jaz

A primary hybrid between Stanhopea insignis x Stanhopea hernandezii

A great hybrid created by another NSW Stanhopea grower.

This plant flowers for me in mid February

The Stanhopea Guy

Stanhopea Ashcroft Wonder

Stanhopea Ashcroft Wonder

A hybrid between Stanhopea ruckeri x Stanhopea Assidensis

Flowers most years in early January

This is growing well in my bush house. I’m looking forward to it becoming a specimen sized plant

The Stanhopea Guy

Stanhopea Peter Grinnell (No 1)

Stanhopea Peter Grinnell

A primary hybrid between Stanhopea oculata x Stanhopea graveolens

Flowers most years in February

With oculata and graveolens as parents this hybrid grows well in Sydney. This clone has an eye spot on the hypochile.

The Stanhopea Guy

Stanhopea Racine

Stanhopea Racine

A primary hybrid between Stanhopea costaricensis x Stanhopea saccata

Flowers most years in mid February

This plant is growing well in Sydney bush house conditions

The Stanhopea Guy

Stanhopea greerii x Assidensis

Stanhopea greerii x Assidensis

Another hybrid between Stanhopea greerii x Stanhopea Assidensis

An interesting little hybrid that flowers for me in early February

The Stanhopea Guy

Stanhopea Wetley Ghost

Stanhopea Wetley Ghost

A primary hybrid between Stanhopea oculata x Stanhopea jenischiana

Flowers most years in late January

This is growing well in my bush house. Great plant.

The Stanhopea Guy

Stanhopea Gravins

Stanhopea Gravins

A primary hybrid between Stanhopea graveolens x Stanhopea insignis

Flowers most years anywhere from late February to early April

This grows well for me in the bush house.

The Stanhopea Guy

Stanhopea Herois Do Mar

Stanhopea Heroos Do Mar

A hybrid between Stanhopea shuttleworthii x Stanhopea ruckeri

Flowers most years in mid to early February

This is a large growing hybrid. Another plant I’m excited about seeing reach specimen size.

The Stanhopea Guy

Stanhopea Bellaerensis x ruckeri

Stanhopea Bellaerensis x ruckeri

A hybrid between Stanhopea Bellaerensis x Stanhopea ruckeri

Bellaerensis is primary hybrid between Stanhopea insignis x Stanhopea oculata

Flowers most years in mid to late January

This is growing well in Sydney. I’m looking forward to flowering this as a specimen sized plant..

The Stanhopea Guy

Stanhopea Ashcroft Bell

Stanhopea Ashcroft Bell

A primary hybrid between Stanhopea ruckeri x Stanhopea graveolens

Flowers most years in early February

The Stanhopea Guy

Coryhopea Wistman's Wood

Coryhopea Wistman's Wood

A intergeneric hybrid between Coryanthes speciosa x Stanhopea oculata

I'm super impressed with this plant and flower. Just awesome. I'm hoping to add a few more Coryanthes and intergeneric hybrids to my collection over future years.

This guy flowers most years in mid January

Growing well in my Sydney bush house

The Stanhopea Guy

Stanhopea Ashcroft Surprise

Stanhopea Ashcroft Surprise

A primary hybrid between Stanhopea tigrina var nigroviolacea x Stanhopea ruckeri

Flowers most years in mid January

This grows well for me in the bush house.

The Stanhopea Guy

Stanhopea greerii x nigroviolacea

Stanhopea greerii x nigroviolacea

Another primary hybrid in my collection.

This guy grows well in my bush house and flowers in January most years.

Given how similar greerii is to wardii I'd say this flower would be much like an Assidensis.

The Stanhopea Guy

Stanhopea Wetley Secret

Stanhopea Wetley Secret

A primary hybrid between Stanhopea tigrina var nigroviolacea x Stanhopea graveolens.

Flowers most years in early January

Like most hybrids it grows well in my bush house in Sydney

Images updated in 2022 after an amazing flowering display.

The Stanhopea Guy

Stanhopea ruckeri x martiana

Stanhopea ruckeri x martiana

A new primary hybrid for my collection.

This fantastic plant flowered for the first time in January 2021 (for me at least).

No registered name as yet. Hopefully the creator comes up with name shortly

Updated images from 2022

The Stanhopea Guy

Stanhopea Memoria Paul Allen

Stanhopea Memoria Paul Allen (S. ecornuta x S. tigrina)

A man made hybrid that looks very similar to the natural hybrid x fowlieana (S. ecornuta x costaricensis)

This grows well in Sydney. Flowering at random times throughout the year. I've got 2 clones of this (I think). 1 hasn't flowered for me yet. The plant in the picture was purchased as a deltoidea 2 or 3 year before it flowered.

The Stanhopea Guy