Stanhopea Lile

Stanhopea Lile

A primary hybrid between Stanhopea wardii x Stanhopea connata

A lovely hybrid. Often mistakenly sold as a connata species.

This plant flowers for me around early February

The Stanhopea Guy

Stanhopea wardii "Jill"

Stanhopea wardii "Jill"

Found from Nicaragua, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia and Venezuela in humid cloud forests from 800 to 2700 meters.

A fantastic species for Sydney conditions. It grows well in my bush house and flowers most years around March.

I believe this is a relatively common species in Australian collections but it took me years to finally get my hands on this great clone.

The Stanhopea Guy

Stanhopea graveolens (No 2)

Stanhopea graveolens (No 2)

A species found in Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador.

This grows well in Sydney. Flowering most years around February / March.

I purchased this plant as "wardii var. aurea", a common miss labelling for this species in Australia.

The Stanhopea Guy